The UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Italy (UNIDO ITPO Italy) is based in Rome, and became operational in 1987 thanks to the financial support of the Italian Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (IMFAIC) and the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGDC).

The mandate of the Office is to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in targeted developing countries and economies in transition through the mobilization of investments as well as the transfer of technology and management skills, so as to implement industrial projects for sustainable local development while fostering international partnerships and business cooperation with the Italian public and private sectors.

UNIDO ITPO Italy posted this
Cuba: curso para mipymes sobre gestión ambiental
Cuba: curso para mipymes sobre gestión ambiental

Los días 6 y 7 de junio de 2023 en La Habana, Cuba, la ONUDI ITPO Italia realizó con éxito un cur...

UNIDO ITPO Italy posted this
Perú: Uso de Google Earth Engine para Análisis de Datos Forestales
Perú: Uso de Google Earth Engine para Análisis de Datos Forestales

Organizado por la ONUDI ITPO Italia en colaboración con la Universidad de Florencia (UniFi), el s...

UNIDO ITPO Italy posted this
UNIDO ITPO Italy posted this
FIPEE Call for High Impact Cleantech
FIPEE Call for High Impact Cleantech

El potencial de las tecnologías limpias es catalizador de innovación tecnológica para abordar los...


Cuba: curso para mipymes sobre gestión ambiental
Cuba: curso para mipymes sobre gestión ambiental
Perú: Uso de Google Earth Engine para Análisis de Datos Forestales
Perú: Uso de Google Earth Engine para Análisis de Da...
UNIDO ITPO Italy posted this
FIPEE Call for High Impact Cleantech
FIPEE Call for High Impact Cleantech

Global trends and experiences have shown the catalytic potential of technology innovation in addr...


FIPEE: "Conferencia sobre Finanzas Verdes en Perú"
FIPEE: "Conferencia sobre Finanzas Verdes en Perú"

SDG-9 Industry Tracker: Explore a country’s progress towards achieving industrial development targets

The UNIDO Industrial Analytics Platform is an innovative tool featuring data on select indicators of industrial development and relevant research by leading experts in an accessible format.